Mixed Masala

The masala is an essential spice in Indian cuisine.Mixed w/other flavors,it creates that extra zing in one's palette that awakens your senses&allows you to stop,savor&remember the moment.That moment becomes a memory which tells a story,like a recipe carried on through generations.Sometimes fresh mixtures are added giving birth to culinary masterpieces that hold stories w/in herstories,cultures w/in multicultures&new lines w/in ancestries.Mixed Masala is the unique blend of all these&much more.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Celebrating me~

me and red wine1
Originally uploaded by Dulimaman.
Today was such a loooong day but it was equally productive...i'm finally back in my element, zipping left and right, focused, determined, driven and happy.

I'm sooo tired but sleep escapes me so I am choosing to write it out...hoping my lids would drop soon...my sister says I should just lie down and try to sleep or I might lose it and end up being up the whole night....sigh!

The past week has been a stormy one but what I love about seeing and hearing the rain fall is it feels like heaven pouring out blessing upon blessing...it helped me get my act together....the rain always inspires me to calm down, the strong winds showed me that this could all disappear in a second so why should I waste it worrying when I could just LIVE and BE?

My brain is beginning to unwind, I can feel it.... Looking at this photo of me enjoying my vino [with my funky blue weekend nails] and wrapped in my own little world amidst the voices of friends catching up is just the picture I want to be in right now. I close my eyes and taste the almost sweet CabSauv and its flavors, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside and soon my body gives in to my heart that pushes my Spirit to soar and bask in the magnificence of this moment.

Suddenly, an old new wave hit song by The Cure entitled, "Friday, I'm in Love" floats through the airwaves and I am back writing but absolutely free. Sweet dreams! :)