My Grandmother Has Three Names

My grandmother has three names: Maria Rosario Clarita.
I have two. Interestingly, my father-in-law feels that everyone must just have one name…Why two? Or three? Does it mean you have more than one identity? Why would you want three names?
I told him it was because of my Spanish ancestry. And if I were to break down my maternal grandmother’s names, I’d say Maria would mean the Virgin Mary, reverent, obedient and chosen by God.
My names on the other hand are: Karen Cindy. Karen means pure…while Cindy means light. Cindy also means moon.
Funny how Mama’s third name, Clarita has the same meaning as my second and preferred name, Cindy…are we similar in some way? I think that if there is anything I learned and absorbed from Mama, it would be grooming and image. She is the only woman I know who wakes up every morning, fixes her bed and puts make-up so that just in case someone comes by early in the morning, she can face them without being self-conscious. There must be others like her, I know, but Mama is just as regal as when I first laid eyes on her as a baby. She sleeps with stockings, a simple but presentable nightgown and a shawl. She would do the once over on me before I would leave each day and make sure my skirt was well-fitted, my shoes clean and my hair neatly combed for that “put together” look. Mama loved it when I dressed up…I think it reminded her of the good old days when Dada was still alive.
Mama was spoiled though. Dada lavished her with her every whim…and she enjoyed it like a true Lioness, Queen, and Muse. She can command a fleet, that I know, but she can also be very stubborn.