The Windows of Her Soul~

With her left hand on my right cheek she draws me close, face-to-face, eyes searching, looking deep into mine...
I look back and search inside her soul as they try to tell me stories she could not share with words. What I would give to know and hear those stories told in her mother tongue, what I would give to understand and listen...but her eyes, full of passion and mystery, spoke wonders, wishes, blessings, hopes, dreams, and love...mostly love...amidst the sacrifices.
She would murmur, holding my gaze, and then uttering at last, with satisfaction and with such conviction, as if she knew some truth, a realization, perhaps an affirmation, "Suto ay"--in Sindhi this means "good"...she seemed to like what she saw...and I did too. My Amma spoke through her eyes, always, and what beautiful, enchanting, sheroic stories she told.
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