Mixed Masala

The masala is an essential spice in Indian cuisine.Mixed w/other flavors,it creates that extra zing in one's palette that awakens your senses&allows you to stop,savor&remember the moment.That moment becomes a memory which tells a story,like a recipe carried on through generations.Sometimes fresh mixtures are added giving birth to culinary masterpieces that hold stories w/in herstories,cultures w/in multicultures&new lines w/in ancestries.Mixed Masala is the unique blend of all these&much more.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Prayer for Awareness~

Thank you, O God,

For seeing beyond the surface of my life
to the child sitting in the mirror.
Thank you for sitting down beside me,
putting your arm around me,
and speaking to me with such tenderness,
such compassion, and such understanding.
Help me to be aware of the pictures in my life
that are everywhere around me and at all times
showing me something I need to see,
telling me something I need to hear,
offering me something I need to receive.
Help me look beyond the surface of those pictures to see windows.
Give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to receive
what you are offering me through those windows,
that I might sense what is dear to You
so that it might become what is dear to me. . .

by Ken Gire